Graeme Schreiber
Welcome to my website. I live near Stanthorpe (Qld, Australia) and am now a full time artist and picture framer. I hope you enjoy the site and looking at some examples of my work.
To get to this point I have been painting as a hobby. This was done on weekends while having an engineering career to pay the bills. Recently I took the plunge and decided to do this full time. Sitting in front of a computer all day only suits certain people and increasingly I found I wasn't one of them.
There isn't any academic path, like many I read about. Just the odd workshop and plenty of reading and practice.
There is a lot of joy coming out of the ability to create something original. Magic. This comes from doing "realistic abstract" work over the cooler months and then moving to plein air when it's warmer. Being out in the fresh air certainly is good for the soul.